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QruiseOS Trial Platform

30. May 2024

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Are you setting up a quantum computing lab in academia or industry and interested in trying out QruiseOS for your calibration and characterisation needs?

Or do you already have an operational QC lab but are tired of using fragmented python scripts for repetitive bring-up routines and want to use QruiseOS to get things automated?

Well, you’re in luck: we’ve developed a fully web-based trial platform for you to try out QruiseOS just by logging into a browser window!

This trial platform lets you:

- explore our extensive library of characterisation experiments
- easily design & run workflows using these experiments
- monitor your QPUs
- see all of these in action on our intuitive control centre dashboard

The trial platform is a fully featured solution with a mock QPU backend and an integrated development environment, allowing you to try out the complete extent of capabilities of the QruiseOS tools, for free and without any upfront commitments!

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As scientists, we understand how important it is to maintain flexibility and control over the calibration and characterisation routines used for your quantum experiments, while also needing automation to eliminate repetitive tasks. We also understand the need for full access to your system models and experiment data without any proprietary lock-ins.

This is why we’ve launched our web-based trial platform to give you a chance to easily test this out for yourself before you become a committed user of the Qruise suite!

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Execitve Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant agreement No 101099538